To (very loosely) paraphrase Shakespeare: "To use or not to use fluoride in our toothpaste, that is the question! ". The responsible consumer’s life is littered with such daily choices, and since we are often asked about our toothpaste ingredients, we have decided to enlighten you!
There are many myths and legends surrounding fluoride, yet it deserves to be known and appreciated. We're going to address three of the rumors about fluoride in order to demystify it and help you make informed choices to help you choose between fluoride or fluoride free toothpaste.
Myth #1: Fluoride is not a natural ingredient
False! Many people who are reluctant to use fluoride think that it is a chemical ingredient. On the contrary, fluoride occurs naturally in nature. It is commonly found in rocks as calcium fluoride and can also be found in groundwater.
The concentration of fluoride, however, varies from one water source to another. Water sources rich in sodium, potassium and chloride also tend to be high in fluoride, while waters rich in calcium are low in fluoride.
Keep in mind that although this toothpaste ingredient is of natural origin, the fluoride found in toothpaste is not directly extracted from nature; it is rather synthesized.
Myth #2: Fluoride does not help prevent tooth decay
False! It is widely recognized by the scientific community that fluoride is essential for healthy bone development and cavity prevention. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), dental cavity rates are directly correlated with fluoride consumption.
For this reason, many regulatory agencies, such as Health Canada and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, and professional associations, including the Canadian Dental Association and the American Dental Association, promote the use of fluoride toothpastes to fight cavities and strengthen tooth enamel
Myth #3: Fluoride is dangerous for children
False! Fluoride is not considered a danger to children when used as intended. Brushing with fluoride toothpaste not only helps strengthen teeth as they grow, but also prevents cavities and tooth loss in the future. ATTITUDE's toothpaste for children 3 years and older is available in three fruity flavors, which motivates youngsters to create a fun and easy oral hygiene routine!
However, it is important to supervise your child while they brush their teeth and teach them how to spit out toothpaste before they avoid swallowing their vegan toothpaste.
Bonus: Two Rapid-Fire Myths
You can’t bring your toothpaste on an airplane
True and false! You can bring your fluoride free toothpaste on the plane in your carry-on luggage, as long as it complies with the rules for transporting liquids in carry-on bags (less than 100mL/g). Make sure to store it in a transparent, resealable plastic bag, with a maximum capacity of 1 liter [1].
If your fluoride free toothpaste exceeds 100 mL/g, you can pack it in your checked luggage.
Toothpaste can be used to make acne disappear
False! Although this old wives’ tale is widely spread (notably because of the ingredients found in most fluoride toothpastes), it is not recommended to put toothpaste to make acne disappear, as toothpaste could irritate the skin and present other risks. We always recommend seeking a doctor's advice for treating acne.
ATTITUDE vegan fluoride toothpaste
ATTITUDE’s EWG VERIFIEDTM toothpaste with fluoride has been developed to protect teeth against cavities, help remineralize tooth enamel, rebuild weak spots in the tooth, prevent tooth decay and protect teeth against erosion caused by acidity . Try it! We think you will really enjoy these vegan toothpastes!
And for those of you who prefer to avoid fluoride, check out our fluoride-free toothpastes!
Want to learn more about what to look for in a vegan toothpaste? Start here:
5 benefits of vegan toothpaste
[1]: https://www.catsa-acsta.gc.ca/en/what-can-bring/liquids-non-solid-food-personal-items