Surely this news will put a smile on your face: it’s entirely possible to find fresh and vegan toothpaste that helps whiten the enamel while effectively cleaning your teeth. In fact, the benefits of vegan toothpaste should be known by all! Here are five pearly white reasons to make the leap.
1. It Cleans Teeth Effectively
The effectiveness of vegan products is a commonly shared worry. But Mother Nature gets this one right! There are several fruit and plant extracts, minerals, and an array of other ingredients that contain extraordinary cleaning and whitening properties.

For example, sodium fluoride is a mineral that has the effect of reducing the bacteria that causes cavities while making your teeth resistant to decay1. That’s why Health Canada promotes the correct use of fluoride toothpaste, even in children above the age of two2. Other elements like papaya leaves, when combined with brushing, provide a sensation of freshness.

Vegan Cleansing Ingredient :
- Sodium fluoride
2. It Provides a Natural Whitening Effect
Nowadays, clean isn’t enough. Good thing Mother Nature’s got your back! There are several naturally sourced ingredients that can brighten your smile without causing harm to the enamel of your teeth. What’s the not-so-secret secret?
Hydroxyapatite, an effective and mineral stain remover that is present in dentine, contributes to clean and make your teeth shine3. Check out this hydroxyapatite whitening vegan toothpaste with fluoride. Your social media feeds just got brighter 😉
Mineral Whitening Ingredient
- Hydroxyapatite
3. It Freshens Breath Without Burning
Let’s be honest: brushing your teeth with flavoured toothpastes can come at a cost. Sometimes, the flavours can be so overpowering that it creates an unpleasant burning or stinging sensation in the nose and eyes.
Instead, depend on plant-based ingredients, such as mint, spearmint, or peppermint, for their ability to combat bad breath. Say goodbye to the lingering taste of garlic and hello to the refreshing flavours of nature.
Vegan Freshening Ingredient
- Peppermint essential oil (Mentha piperita oil)
4. It Soothes Sensitive Teeth & Gums
Does the thought of drinking a cold glass of ice water make your teeth hurt? Are you pregnant and discovered the unfortunate side effect that is gum pain? Select a vegan toothpaste that is designed for sensitive teeth and gums.
Some toothpastes are formulated with potassium nitrate, a safe ingredient, according to EWG4, that pacifies dental nerves and provides long-lasting hypersensitivity relief with regular use5. In addition to containing potassium nitrate, this gentle toothpaste is also vegan. Bonus points? It is also available in a fluoride-free version!
Vegan Soothing Ingredient
- Potassium nitrate
5. Children can also use vegan toothpaste

A child inevitably swallows 99% of the toothpaste they use when learning how to brush their teeth. Paraben-free, alcohol-free, triclosan-free and sodium laureth sulfate-free, our vegan toothpastes are based on ingredients of mineral and plant origin. It is nevertheless essential to teach children to spit out fluoride toothpastes properly, as they must not be swallowed.
If they have not yet learned to do so, it is preferable to use a fluoride-free toothpaste, as they present little risk to children's health if swallowed. Used properly, a toothpaste with fluoride is ideal for effectively preventing tooth decay in children over two years of age. Thanks to their aromas of mango, watermelon, and blueberry, these guys are like icing on the toothbrush.
Fluoride-Free Toothpastes
As is it particularly the case for children under the age of two years old, excessive ingestion of fluoride can be problematic for some. If you rather abstain from fluoride toothpaste entirely, there are fluoride-free toothpastes for, both, experienced and novice teeth cleaners that have been verified by EWG specialists. Entirely free of worrying ingredients, these fluoride-free toothpastes make the habit of brushing your teeth completely safe.
Nevertheless, if you have no health concerns, fluoride remains an actively effective ingredient that comes recommended by Health Canada to prevent cavities, strengthen enamel, reduce oral acidity, and restore the minerals that make your teeth more resistant to decay6.
Unsure about choosing between fluoride or fluoride-free toothpaste? This article will help you make your choice:
- https://www.quebec.ca/sante/conseils-et-prevention/sante-buccodentaire/prevenir-la-carie-dentaire/produits-fluores
- https://www.canada.ca/fr/sante-canada/services/vie-saine/votre-sante-vous/environnement/fluorures-sante-humaine.html
- https://www.healthline.com/health/dental-and-oral-health/hydroxyapatite-toothpaste#alternative-treatments
- Silverman et al. 1996; Nagata et al. 1994; FDA 1994
- https://www.canada.ca/fr/sante-canada/services/vie-saine/votre-sante-vous/environnement/fluorures-sante-humaine.html